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Rose McGowan responds after disturbing Harvey Weinstein details revealed in new book

Actor described it as 'the worst case of gaslighting I've ever seen'

Jacob Stolworthy
Monday 09 September 2019 16:05 BST
Rose McGowan: 'Until Harvey Weinstein is removed from the planet it's like an albatross that I'm carrying'

A new book that details previously unknown facts about the investigation into Harvey Weinsten’s alleged abuse is causing controversy thanks to a series of revelations, including one involving Rose McGowan.

She Said follows Jodi Kanto and Megan Twohey’s account of their New York Times report that fuelled the #MeToo movement, and reveals how the producer’s brother urged him to seek help for his behaviour two years before it was published.

The book also explains how Weinstein’s representatives attempted to actively discredit his accusers, including McGowan, who accused him of raping her in 1997. She went on to receive a $100,000 settlement following the alleged incident.

She Said reveals the extent to which lawyers Lisa Bloom and David Boies went to help Weinstein cover up damning accusations. The New York Times on Sunday published one memo featured in the book that reveals Bloom constructed a six-point plan to damage McGowan’s reputation in December 2016.

“I feel equipped to help you against the Roses of the world, because I have represented so many of them.” Bloom wrote. “We can place an article re her becoming increasingly unglued, so that when someone Googles her this is what pops up and she’s discredited.”

McGowan called for Bloom and Boies to be disbarred, telling Variety: “What these people have done to my standing in the world has been systematic – it’s been evil. It’s one of the worst cases of gaslighting I’ve ever heard, and it’s starring me.

“I hope this book will go a long way to exonerating me and the other victims who’ve dealt with slander and mental assault for years now,” McGowan continued. “As for me, in Hollywood I suppose I’ll continue not working. It doesn’t make any sense, and it’s really hurtful. But in my own life, I’m incredibly happy now and feeling very balanced. And that’s something they can’t take from me.”

Bloom, the daughter of Gloria Allred, went on to call working with Weinstein a “mistake”.

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