Pig: New Nicolas Cage movie scores 98% rating on Rotten Tomatoes

Cage stars as the reclusive owner of a truffle-hunting pig

Clémence Michallon
New York City
Thursday 22 July 2021 20:48 BST
Trailer for Pig (2021)
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Pig, a new film starring Nicolas Cage, has received a 98 per cent rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

The review aggregation website is a trusted online source for people looking to gauge the kind of reviews a specific movie has got, both from critics and from audience members.

The 98 per cent rating in this case is based on the aggregation of 121 reviews.

“Like the animal itself, Pig defies the hogwash of expectations with a beautiful odyssey of loss and love anchored by Nicolas Cage’s affectingly raw performance,” reads the critics consensus on the website.

Conversely, the film has earned a positive audience score of 82 per cent, based on more than 100 verified ratings.

By comparison, the recently released Black Widow currently has a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 81 per cent. Space Jam is rated 30 per cent, and F9 has a 59 per cent score.

Other movies with 98 per cent ratings on the platform include Parasite, Get Out, Moonlight, and Portrait of a Lady on Fire.

Released on 16 July in the US, Pig stars Cage as the reclusive owner of a truffle-hunting pig. When the pig gets stolen, Cage’s character sets out on a search for his missing pet and reacquaints himself with his old stomping grounds in Portland, Oregon.

Cage recently called the warm reception earned by the movie “a little surprising but very nice”.

Pig is scheduled for release in the UK on 20 August.

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