Jeff Bridges more than happy to play The Dude again in Big Lebowski sequel

The Oscar-winning actor abides

Jacob Stolworthy
Monday 01 August 2016 11:21 BST

Returning to a classic Coen Brothers property is always going to be something people frown upon mainly because delivering something even close to the original's quality is nigh on impossible. Despite this, Fargo got turned into one of the decade's best television shows.

A sequel to The Big Lebowski has seen many a rumour over the past five years, mainly fuelled by actor John Turturro who suggested an idea for a spin-off film featuring his character Jesus Quintana.

While the Coen Brothers went on to rubbish any notion of a sequel, it's now emerged that one person who quite likes the idea of a follow-up is the film's lead, Jeff Bridges. Moreover, the actor would even be up for reprising his role as The Dude.

“I’ve heard that for years, John saying that. I think it's a great idea," Bridges told Business Insider. "Yeah, it might be fun playing a little cameo as The Dude. I’m hoping they make a little Lebowski [sequel] because it’s all set up. I impregnated Maude [Julianne Moore]. As The Stranger [Sam Elliott] says, ‘There’s a little Lebowski on the way,’ you know?”

The Big Lebowski has generated a huge cult since its release in 1998 earning its very own festival, Lebowski Fest, as well as an online religion named Dudeism. The film co-stars John Goodman, Steve Buscemi and Tara Reid.

The Coen Brothers' most recent film Hail, Caesar! was released in February. Bridges is currently being touted for a 2017 Oscar nomination for his role in Texas-set crime drama Hell or High Water which will be released in the UK on 9 September.

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