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Back to the Future Day: you can get a flux capacitor upgrade in the 2016 Ford Focus

Pimp out your Ford Focus with a time-travelling add-on

Christopher Hooton
Monday 19 October 2015 12:05 BST

We’ve had Jaws 19, Pepsi Perfect, and now Ford is jumping on the Back To The Future Day bandwagon by offering flux capacitors as optional upgrades to its 2016 Ford Focus.

The gadget, which made Marty’s travelling forward in time to 21 October, 2015 possible, will be available through the company’s ‘build and price’ page between 21 and 26 October, priced at $1,219,390 and powered by 1.21 gigaWatts of energy.

‘For recreational user only,’ Ford warns, ‘interfering in major historical events is illegal and could have unintended consequence for all of humanity.

‘Avoid your past self at all costs, as this could potentially cause a rift in the space-time continuum.'

The capacitor flashes faster and faster as the hatchback reaches 88mph but, pretty though it is, it obviously can’t propel you through time.

‘Obviously, this upgrade is not actually available. Happy Back to the Future Day!’ Ford unfortunately had to make clear.

There will no doubt be more brand cash-ins in store on Wednesday, when Marty’s future finally syncs up with the real one. There are some similarities between the two, though in the movie everyone had way better jackets.

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