Austin Powers 4: 'I would love to do another' Mike Meyers says as original turns 20

'We have all agreed that we would be delighted to get back into it'

Christopher Hooton
Friday 28 April 2017 10:04 BST

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery celebrates its 20th anniversary this month, an improbably DVD hit that spawned sequels and catchphrases still used today.

The initial test screenings for it were not good.

"Studios come down on you if you score a 70 in a test screening - we never got above a 55," director Jay Roach recalled in a new retrospective on the film with The Hollywood Reporter.

"[Producer Michael] De Luca said, "I get it and I think it is going to catch on. I am just going to spend more marketing money to make sure it does." That's not a typical studio response. It was crazy to take a stance like that."

The risk paid off, the film's solid box office performance and huge box office success leading to sequels The Spy Who Shagged Me and the Beyoncé-starring Goldmember.

Now so much time has passed and now that sequels are bigger business than ever, what are the chances of a fourth Austin Powers instalment?

"I would love to do another, but you just have to see," Mike Myers said. "I was devastated by my father's death. But to have that turn into something that makes people happy is unbelievably satisfying. It's that kind of stuff you never get used to or get tired of."

Roach added: "We have talked about [making a fourth movie] for 15 years. We have also always said we don't want to do it unless we came up with something that lived up to the concepts in our mind. Until Mike feels like he has a concept that earns a fourth, it won't happen. But if it did, we have all agreed that we would be delighted to get back into it."

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