Alastair Campbell is damaged goods, but his message should sharpen the knives for a Labour coup

Corbyn has been so starved of good news lately that he may be forgiven for confusing this with a godsend. The former spin doctor’s critique is crude, simplistic, unoriginal – and accurate

Matthew Norman
Tuesday 30 July 2019 18:00 BST
Alastair Campbell on labour expulsion: 'I think there is a danger we're going to be destroyed as a serious credible political force'

New Labour’s lords of entitlement were never keen on Marxist orthodoxies. But Alastair Campbell’s distaste now extends beyond Karl, and all the way to Groucho.

Flipping the latter’s best known quote on its head, Campbell has decided he wouldn’t want to be a member of a club that won’t have him for a member.

So he will not be fighting his expulsion from Labour (for voting Lib Dem in the European elections), as he reveals in an open letter to Jeremy Corbyn that doubles up as a bog-standard dismantling of its addressee.

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