
Why the chancellor’s tax cuts don’t work for marginalised people like me

The autumn statement makes some big promises, writes small business owner Tynah Matembe. But Jeremy Hunt must try much harder to answer the needs of minority communities like mine…

Friday 24 November 2023 21:21 GMT
The £350 small business rate relief sounds good on paper, but it barely scratches the surface of our struggles
The £350 small business rate relief sounds good on paper, but it barely scratches the surface of our struggles (Pool/AFP/Getty)

When I heard about the chancellor talking about pay rises in the autumn statement, it got me thinking about the people in my community who are often left out, and how these moves could shake things up for them.

And guess what? It’s a mixed bag! Sure, there are some improvements, but let’s face it – the chancellor’s autumn statement doesn’t solve the bigger financial problems that are hitting us the hardest. It certainly doesn’t take into account the experiences of people facing financial exclusion, such as Black, Indigenous, people of colour (Bipoc) or migrants like myself.

Here are just a few of the challenges they face amid the promises of the autumn statement:

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