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The 10 Best back-to-school gadgets

Whether they're heading for the classroom or the lecture hall, these hi-tech study aids will help scholars large and small...

Samuel Muston
Thursday 30 August 2012 07:20 BST

1. LaCie RuggedKey 3


The bottom of a student's bag is dangerous place,so make sure their data is always safe with this rugged 150MB USB stick that resists heat, water and knocks.

2. Aviiq Ready Clip


With iPhones and iPods now doubling as notepads it's important to have a way to sync and charge on the go, and you can do both with these bendy USB leads.

3. Griffin iPad binder insert


This ingenious little insert slots cleverly into a ring binder, securely holding your iPad in place next to all those other lecture notes.

4. Iris Scan Book 2


There's no need to tear that page from a reference library book. This baton-sized gadget acts as a mini scanner, working in colour and black and white.

5. Samsung W300 HD


From creating multimedia projects to recording sporting triumphs, this pocket-sized, HD camcorder is something older students may find useful.

6. LiveScribe Echo 2GB


Have trouble taking down accurate notes? This gadget has a tiny computer with a mic and digital audio recorder which synchs the notes with the audio recording.

7. Amazon Kindle

£89 (£149 with 3G),

When you consider that the average textbook costs around £30, an electronic library with a 3G connection seems good value.

8. Clocky alarm


If getting your children up is a traumatic experience get them one of these alarm clocks that races away on wheels and doesn't shut up until it's been captured.

9. HP Deskjet 1000


Avoid the rush for the school printer with this home model. It fires up in seconds and is good enough to produce pixel-perfect text and decent colour images.

10. Huawei Mifi


This MiFi (a device that gives internet access on the go) lets you preload a prepaid allowance on it and has download speeds of up to 3.6 Mbps.

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