The Highlight Reel: Attractive prospects?

Amol Rajan
Thursday 01 July 2010 00:00 BST

One South African newspaper criticised the selections of Fabio "Costello". This begs the question: who are The Attractions? D Beck is a leading contender, of course, but Heskey is widely held to have the best physique, and Lennon and Defoe are known for their beauty products, so it could be them. And what of Joe Hart, voted England's sexiest player yesterday? They've been calling him a Hartbreaker for years.

Think it's all over? It's not

An advert in Folha de Sao Paulo, one of Brazil's biggest dailys, consoled readers over their country's exit – just after they beat Chile 3-0. "The team exited the World Cup, but not our hearts", the ad screamed. Yet more heartbreak, in this case narrowly avoided.

Screen break

Life after England for the broadcasters isn't all bad –10.2 million watched on the BBC as Spain beat Portugal, a high for non-England games. And yesterday the BBC said 1.7 million watched our boys defeat Slovenia by streaming it online. That's the highest ever for a football game. Given it was on in the afternoon, that's a lot of skivers off work, too.

Making a spectacle of himself

What on earth is going with Edgar Davids' facial wear? The former Dutch midfielder has had a torrid time as an ITV pundit, his intensity clashing with Adrian Chiles, and his wearing a T-shirt advocating a brand he endorses leading to a reprimand. Now he's compensating by changing his glasses with each match; Jarvis Cocker one day; John Lennon the next.

Heskey hounded again

A dog dressed (inevitably) in a Brazil shirt outside a press conference yesterday was doing kick-ups with his owner. One hack said: "Better than Heskey, honest to God."

Goodluck and goodbye

Perhaps the FA should consider the Nigerian approach when contemplating Capello's future. President Goodluck Jonathan has told his country's players they are banned from entering any football competition for two years. Whoever said this tournament was all about celebrating African leadership?

Sausage silences Pastore

A bizarre press conference for the Argentines ended with a curious question to Javier Pastore: "You got down the Mexican tacos," the journalist asked, "how will you deal with the German sausage?" No answer.

Hip-hop Higuain

Most players keep their superstitions private. But is there a more public display than that of Gonzalo Higuain of Argentina? Before stepping on to the pitch with his left foot, he hops three times on his right. He might not feel like repeating the trick if he's wearing the Golden Boot.

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