Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull defends photo of holding baby granddaughter while drinking beer

‘I think it's in the sort of craziness of social media that you see things like that’

Rachael Revesz
Tuesday 12 September 2017 10:32 BST
Liberal Party leader brushed off negativity
Liberal Party leader brushed off negativity (AP)

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has dismissed criticism of a photo of him drinking beer, holding his grandchild at a football match as “craziness”.

The photo, posted on Facebook alongside the hashtag “#multitasking”, showed him kissing baby Alice on the forehead, with a plastic cup of beer in one hand.

The post received more than 20,000 reactions, some of which described him as “disgraceful” for drinking in front of a young child or accused him of using his family as a “photo opportunity”.

Jeanette Cowper wrote: "You wanted the job, get off your butt and try and fix this country. I have always been a liberal supporter, not now. But I'm glad you can afford to go to the football. Most people can't."

“The laws you pass and the treachery you will engage in will come home to roost on the poor little bloke's head,” read another comment.

Speaking to radio station Triple M, Mr Turnbull brushed off the negativity.

“I think it's in the sort of craziness of social media that you see things like that,” he said.

“You've just got to be yourself, as long as you're comfortable in your own skin, be yourself, be natural. Anything else you end up being as crazy as the trolls on Twitter.

Picture: (Malcolm Turnbull/Facebook)

Most of the comments under the photo, however, were positive for the Liberal Party leader.

“Such a special photo. The PM is entitled to a day of footy watching,” wrote one Facebook user.

Another user commented: “He's a human being like all of us he loves his children and grandchildren just like I do and millions of others. Give him a break.”

A third said: “Literally the only thing Malcolm has done lately that *doesn't* make me angry. Good grief, people are so annoying. This is a great photo and sweet!”

Mr Turnbull’s disapproval rating is 46 per cent, according to a recent Essential Media survey, down from 50 per cent in March.

He recently came out in favour of same-sex marriage, publicly campaigning on behalf of same-sex couples for the first time in his career.

He came to international attention most recently for a terse conversation about a refugee resettlement deal with Donald Trump, in which the US President said his proposal was the "worst deal ever" and hung up the phone.

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