Democrat activist has microphone taken away from him as he challenges Ben Shapiro on ‘wokeness’

‘I thought you were a free speech warrior’

Bevan Hurley
Thursday 28 April 2022 18:04 BST
Activist has microphone taken away from him as he challenges Ben Shapiro on ‘wokeness’

A Democratic activist had his microphone removed while trying to debate conservative commentator and “free speech warrior” Ben Shapiro about the definition of “wokeism”.

Mr Shapiro was speaking at a Young America’s Foundation event at Iowa State University on Tuesday when he got into a spirited discussion with a former Elizabeth Warren campaign staffer.

Mr Shapiro said he defined wokeism as the belief that “all inequalities of today are attributable to not only historical injustices but also continuing injustices in the now”.

The activist responded that conservatives were the only ones who defined “wokeism” in that way.

“You are not characterising what I am saying accurately,” he said.

Ben Shapiro makes a point during a discussion with a Democratic activist on Tuesday
Ben Shapiro makes a point during a discussion with a Democratic activist on Tuesday (Young America’s Foundation)

He then called himself a “representative of wokeness” as a former campaign worker for Ms Warren’s Iowa presidential candidacy, drawing groans and boos from the the packed auditorium.

Mr Shapiro then tried to wrap up the back-and-forth, saying “we’re going to have to stop this because it is going nowhere.”

The unnamed activist interjects that he is “just trying to understand your perspective”.

The unnamed activist has the microphone taken away as he tries to debate Ben Shapiro
The unnamed activist has the microphone taken away as he tries to debate Ben Shapiro (Twitter/Young America’s Foundation)

At that point, someone placed their hand over the microphone in an attempt to stop the activist from speaking, as they continued to try to make their point.

When the microphone is finally taken away from him, the activist complains that he is “being censored”, adding: “I thought you were a free speech warrior.”

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