Video montage shows Kayleigh McEnany mocking Democrats for not conceding 2018 midterms

The mockery involved a pair of close races during Florida’s 2018 midterm elections

Graig Graziosi
Tuesday 10 November 2020 23:35 GMT
Daily Show compiles clips of Republicans mocking allegations of voter fraud from Democrats in 2018
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The Daily Show compiled video clips of Republicans mocking Democrats who questioned electoral results during the 2018 midterm elections.  

The montage includes White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany - then a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee - needling Democrats for complaining about their loss in the Florida midterm elections.  

"Democrats are being sore losers, and they refuse to acknowledge they lost the election, so what do they do?" she asked. "They cry malfeasance, wrongdoing, criminality, fraud."  

Two years later, Ms McEnany has found herself echoing Donald Trump's baseless claims that the election was stolen from him.  

Ms McEnany claims the White House will fight the results of the election up to and including pushing for the disqualification of ballots collected after 3 Nov, even if they were postmarked by Election Day.  

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Her lies regarding voter fraud were so odious that even Fox News chose to cut away from her during a recent press conference. Anchor Neil Cavuto explained to his viewers that it would irresponsible for him to continue broadcasting her speech.  

The Daily Show montage is not just a display of Ms McEnany's hypocrisy; it also contains clips of Trump allies Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich, Greg Gutfeld, Jeanine Pirro and Lou Dobbs - among others - taking shots at Democrats for being sore losers.  

"Democrats - more so than Republicans - seem to have a problem conceding defeat," Ms Ingraham says during the clip.  

Ms Ingraham recently delivered a message during her show in which she refused to concede Mr Trump's defeat, all while advising him how to lose gracefully.  

“Losing, especially when you believe the process wasn’t fair, it’s a gut punch. And I’m not conceding anything tonight, by the way, but losing, if that’s what happens, it’s awful," Ms Ingraham said.  

In 2018, a pair of narrow races in Florida prompted Democrats to call for recounts and for gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum to withdraw his concession after initial results suggested he lost.

Similar to the 2020 presidential election, the race for governor and a senate race favored Republican candidates early on, but votes counted later favored Democrats.  

The races were close enough to meet the state's machine recount requirements, so Democrats refused to concede the races until the recounts were complete.  

Foreshadowing recent events, Mr Trump made baseless voter fraud allegations in 2018, complaining that only Democrats seemed to benefit from the late-counted ballots.  

"Rick Scott was up by 50,000+ votes on Election Day, now they “found” many votes and he is only up 15,000 votes. “The Broward Effect.” How come they never find Republican votes?" Mr Trump tweeted at the time.

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