Trump campaigner says she is not racist after writing 'I do not want any type of Muslims’ on Facebook

Mary Young in California said she was frustrated after reading other negative posts about Muslims on social media

Rachael Revesz
New York
Wednesday 23 November 2016 00:48 GMT
Ms Young volunteered for the Trump campaign and was elected as a GOP official
Ms Young volunteered for the Trump campaign and was elected as a GOP official (AFP/Getty Images)

An elected GOP official and Donald Trump campaign volunteer is facing growing calls to resign after posting a racist rant against Muslims on Facebook.

"I DO NOT WANT ANY TYPE OF MUSLIMS IN OUR COUNTRY, PERIOD!" was the start of the post, written in capital letters by Mary Young, and which she deleted two hours later.

The post incorrectly insisted that women who wore burkas and took them off were "killed", that Muslims "trash upscale neighbourhoods" and she called to stop the "influx" of Muslims.


Ms Young cannot be removed from the central committee but county Republican chairman Fred Whitaker called the comments "totally unacceptable", as reported by Mercury News.

He promised the committee would take "appropriate action".

 (Mary Young / Facebook)

The publication also reported that Tim Clark, Trump’s California campaign director, said he "strongly disagree[d]" with the statements.

Ms Young told the newspaper that she was “very sad” that she sounded racist.

"There are no Muslims that I know that I don’t like.

"I’m very sorry and I apologise. I don’t want anybody to feel bad. I don’t hate anybody."

She said she "did not know what was true", regarding her comments about burkas.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations said it had received 120 hate incident complaints since the 8 November election, while the Southern Poverty Law Centre has counted nearer 700 around the country.

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