Jared Kushner complained to CNN about Ana Navarro - she gives withering response

Ms Navarro is known for her outspoken comments on a range of topics

Andrew Buncombe
New York
Monday 20 February 2017 16:53 GMT
Ms Navarro responded by poking fun at Mr Kushner
Ms Navarro responded by poking fun at Mr Kushner (YouTube)

When Donald Trump’s son-in-law met recently with a senior executive from CNN’s parent company, there were apparently several things he wanted to get off his mind.

Firstly, Jared Kushner, a senior advisor to the president, did not think the network had been reporting fairly on his father-in-law. And, according to the Wall Street Journal, he took particular objection to some of the comments made by CNN contributors Van Jones and Republican strategist Ana Navaro.

The newspaper said that Mr Kushner, one of the people on whom Mr Trump relies heavily, spoke with Gary Ginsberg, Time Warner’s executive vice president of corporate marketing and communications.

Donald Trump relies heavily on his son-in-law Jared Kushner 

 Donald Trump relies heavily on his son-in-law Jared Kushner 
 (AFP/Getty Images)

“Mr Kushner has taken issue with specific CNN contributors including Van Jones, a Democrat who served in the Obama administration, and Ana Navarro, a Republican strategist, who have each criticised Mr Trump in harsh terms, the people familiar with the matter said,” the report said.

When word of Mr Kushner’ displeasure emerged, the 45-year-old Ms Navarro was quick to respond on social media.

“Really, Little Jared complaining about me cuz I get under President Daddy-in-Law's skin? Oh, baby boy, I’m so sorry,” she wrote.

In another tweet, she added: “Little boy Kushner, tough guy who’s supposed to achieve Middle East peace, is complaining about me to CNN. Boo-hoo!”

Mr Kushner has yet to respond to Ms Navaro’s comments.

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