Student with Covid found dead after self-isolating in dorm room

Nesbitt’s death occurred after she had seemingly recovered from coronavirus and been discharged from hospital 

Stuti Mishra
Thursday 05 November 2020 10:15 GMT
20-year-old Bethany Nesbitt was found dead in her Grace College Dorm Room
20-year-old Bethany Nesbitt was found dead in her Grace College Dorm Room (Family handout/Gofundme)
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An Indiana student has been found dead in her dorm room where she was quarantining after testing positive for coronavirus, according to local media reports.

Bethany Nesbitt, 20, was found in her halls of residence at Grace College in Winona Lake on 30 October.

In a statement issued by the college, health officials said that Nesbitt’s death wasn’t only due to Covid-19, although the virus was a factor.

Coroner Tony Ciriello said: “After a complete investigation and autopsy, the cause of death has been ruled natural due to a pulmonary embolus that had not been previously detected.

“While Covid did play a role in contributing to the death, it was not caused by Covid.”

Pulmonary embolism is a condition in which one or more arteries in the lungs become blocked by a blood clot.

Nesbitt was an asthma patient and was rushed to the emergency room on 20 October after she began experiencing coronavirus symptoms. However, she returned to her dorm after her condition improved.

In a statement given to the Charlotte Observer, her family urged people not to take Covid-19 lightly, as case numbers in the US continue to surge.

“Please don’t assume that young people will not be impacted by this virus,” a statement from the Nesbitts read.

“Bethany was careful. She wore her mask. She socially distanced. We urge you to follow health officials’ protocols and precautions. We had already canceled our family holiday plans before Bethany got sick. The risks of gathering in large groups aren’t worth it this year.

“She was a selfless and loving friend, a source of constant encouragement to all those around her,” the family added.

Nesbitt was a third-year psychology major from Grand Ledge, Michigan, who was studying to become a child life specialist, Grace College said. The family has started a Gofundme page to raise money for a scholarship in Nesbitt’s memory.

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