Egypt sarcophagus: Thousands sign up to drink red liquid from 2000-year-old mysterious box found in Alexandria

Speculation and mystery has surrounded the strange black granite box since it was found

Sunday 22 July 2018 09:18 BST
Mystery over contents of six foot tall ancient Egyptian sarcophagus discovered in Alexandria

Thousands of people have signed a petition to drink the red liquid found in a 2000-year-old sarcophagus.

Speculation and mystery has surrounded the strange black granite box since it was found in Alexandria earlier this month and some even suggested that it should not be opened, for fear that it could unleash a hideous curse.

Upon finally being opened archaeologists found it was filled with dirty water and three skeletons, according to Egypt's Ministry of Antiquities.

The water probably found its way into the box from a sewage trench, the ministry said. It may have caused the mummies to decompose and leave only their skeletons.

The bodies are probably those of warriors. One of them appears to have a wound that is the result of being hit by an arrow, experts said.

Now a petition has been started, and thousands have signed up, saying they want to drink the liquid that was found in the box.

“We need to drink the red liquid from the cursed dark sarcophagus in the form of some sort of carbonated energy drink so we can assume its powers and finally die,” the petition says.

Some had hoped that the tomb could contain the body of Alexander The Great, which would help solve one of antiquity's greatest mysteries. But there is nothing to suggest that any of the skeletons belong to that famed warrior and empire builder.

Alexander's body has never been found. He asked for his corpse to be thrown into the Euphrates river – but speculation has been rife ever since that his body was actually disposed of in a tomb, and that it is still buried somewhere and could eventually be found.

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