Watch scene outside The White House after Joe Biden’s meeting with German chancellor

Mary-Kate Findon
Friday 03 March 2023 19:59 GMT

Watch the scene outside The White House after Joe Biden and German chancellor Olaf Scholz held a private meeting.

The two heads of state met today, 3 March, as both politicians have become increasingly vocal about their concerns that China may move off the sidelines of the Ukraine war.

Both countries have expressed concerns that China may start supplying weapons to Russia to fuel its invasion as it passes the one-year mark.

In a speech to the German parliament, Mr Scholz called for China to use its influence in Moscow to “press for the withdrawal of Russian troops, and do not supply weapons to the aggressor Russia.”

The US has, on occasion, become frustrated with Berlin’s hesitance in providing tanks.

Germany’s chancellor visited The White House last year before Russia invaded Ukraine.

Little of the meeting was made available to the public.

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