Royal Horticultural Society predict biggest gardening trends for 2022

Red-fleshed ‘Snow White’ apples, as well as bright, bold flower colours are expected in abundance next year

Kate Ng
Friday 17 December 2021 11:40 GMT
"Snow White" apples, bold flower colours and planet-friendly gardening are among the trends expected for 2022, according to the RHS
"Snow White" apples, bold flower colours and planet-friendly gardening are among the trends expected for 2022, according to the RHS (PA)

Gardens next year will be filled with bright, bold colours, “Snow White” apples and exotic fruits, with gardeners turning to more planet-friendly methods, the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) has said.

The charity has published its predictions for next year’s gardening trends based on inquiries and views from experts.

More “confident” flower colours, such as reds, oranges and purples, are expected to bloom in greater numbers next year, with plants such as crocosmia, salvia, canna and varieties of echinacea proving especially popular.

The RHS thinks that houseplants will also become more colourful as more people choose low-maintenance plants in brighter hues.

Sales of the red succulent x Semponium “Sienna” are expected to overtake that of the green-leafed varieties, it said.

Even fruit trees are expected to burst with colour, according to the RHS’ forecast, with red-fleshed “Snow White” apples becoming more common in gardens following the success of newly-introduced varieties “Tickled Pink” and “Surprise”.

The “Snow White” variety of apple is high in anthocyanins, a pigment that gives red, purple and blue plants their rich colours. They are thought to have anti-inflammatory and anti-viral qualities.

Gardeners are also expected to try their green thumbs at growing more exotic fruits, such as pomegranates, chokeberries and serviceberries.

A compost bin in the RHS COP26 Garden at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2021
A compost bin in the RHS COP26 Garden at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2021 (PA)

Although many people saw their time in the garden dwindle after lockdown – leading to a rise in demand for pre-planted baskets and troughs, self-watering pots and battery-powered pruners – the RHS said people are keen to lessen their impact on the environment.

The heightened interest in planet-friendly gardening could spur a resurgence in home composting techniques, as well as scything because it is easier than a mower on wildflower patches and reduces the need for petrol or diesel-powered tools.

People are also responding to the carbon footprint of shop-bought cut-flower bouquets by growing their own, with repeat flowering plants such as cosmos, dahlias and zinnias expected to bloom in 2022 summer displays.


Sea lavender and everlasting flowers work well for winter dried flower arrangements, said the RHS.

Guy Barter, chief horticulturalist for the charity, said: “Many of the new recruits to the ranks of gardeners and, indeed, those that have long tended to houseplants and outdoor plots are embracing new ways of growing as their skills and interest develops.”

This, he said, could include “investing in cold frames, raised beds, conservatories, greenhouses and sheds in order to grow more efficiently, tools that make light work of seasonal tasks such as pruning, and concentrating their efforts on reducing, reusing and recycling”.

He added: “That might include putting leftovers and waste to better use in the form of composting - the perfect season to get started with leaf litter still to be found - and own-grown bouquets for indoor and outdoor enjoyment all year long.

“With a return to more normal weekday patterns in 2021, the UK’s gardeners are adapting their approach to tending their plants; drawing on quick fixes where necessary but all the time working to ensure their plots are planet friendly and an inspiring place to work and play.”

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