Plus-size models post photo showing how much photoshop changes bodies

'We want to show women that it’s okay to look "normal", to have cellulite, stretch marks and tummies that aren't flat and toned'

Rachel Hosie
Tuesday 24 October 2017 10:07 BST

We all know photoshop is a sneaky tool used to smooth out cellulite, wipe away blemishes and enhance thigh gaps.

But two plus-size models have made clear just how much photoshop can change bodies.

On Instagram, Diana Sirokai and Callie Thorpe shared a heavily airbrushed picture of themselves alongside the reality, and the difference is astounding.

“It’s no wonder women are laden with insecurities,” Thorpe wrote. “For years we have been subjected to perfect airbrushed and often altered images across the media.

“Whilst photoshop has its place and need in some parts of industries this is the extreme when it comes to editing, it just goes to show how much we can really alter ourselves.

“I think @dianasirokai and I look perfect just as we are, two friends smiling for a photo. We want to show women that it’s okay to look ‘normal’, to have cellulite, stretch marks and tummies that aren’t flat and toned.

“Be happy with you who you are and the skin you are in.”

The models had asked professional photographer Karina Poltavtceva to deliberately photoshop their images to show the extent of what regularly occurs in magazines and adverts.

“The purpose of this was to show you all how magazines and the media takes editing to a different level,” Sirokai explained.

“Models and celebrities do not even look like themselves. We live in such a fake world, it’s time to bring real back. Own who you are and slay.”

The real photo
The real photo

With more and more people pointing out “photoshop fails”, the public are gradually realising just how commonplace it is.

But worryingly, it’s not just magazines and advertising campaigns where photoshop and editing is used - apps such as Spring and Facetune mean any old person can make themselves look slimmer or blur away a spot for their Instagram.

Hopefully, however, Thorpe and Sirokai’s post is a timely reminder that all bodies are beautiful as they are, and we shouldn’t be trying to live up to the unrealistic - and more often than not, fake - images we see so much in popular culture.

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