Love letter in bottle found on beach after travelling more than 200 miles

Now, a worldwide search has been launched to find the woman who wrote it

Sarah Young
Friday 29 June 2018 10:20 BST
Elissa Wilson discovered the note on Prestwick Beach in South Ayrshire, Scotland (SWNS)
Elissa Wilson discovered the note on Prestwick Beach in South Ayrshire, Scotland (SWNS) (Elissa Wilson /

A woman who found a love letter in a bottle after it travelled more than 200 miles has launched a worldwide search to find the woman who wrote it.

While cleaning Prestwick Beach in South Ayrshire, Scotland, Elissa Wilson discovered a small glass bottle hidden amongst the seaweed.

Inside the bottle, she found a love note signed by a woman called Sarah, to her partner, celebrating their first wedding anniversary.

It is thought that the note travelled more than 200 miles from the Isle of Skye, where it was thrown into the water.

And, while Wilson found the note on June 16, it’s not clear exactly how old it is.

Speaking of the surprise discovery, Wilson said: “We do a beach litter pick every week.

“Every time it’s been glorious weather but that day it was wet and windy, it was pretty horrible.

(Elissa Wilson /
(Elissa Wilson / (Elissa Wilson /

“It’s a mini whisky bottle and the message inside is in red, that’s what must’ve caught my eye.

“The message only said it was thrown from Skye but they might not be from there. It's come a fair old way down the west coast from Skye.”

Touched by the heartwarming message, Wilson decided to post her story on Facebook in an attempt to reunite Sarah with her note.

Since posting the letter online, the post has been shared more than 1,000 times and reached as far afield as Australia.

The note reads: “Today in celebration of our first wedding anniversary, I write you this love note in a bottle.

“In celebration of our love of the outdoors and for this love for both to last forever, we throw it into the sea from Skye, Scotland.”

Wilson has decided not to share the entire contents of the note out of respect for the couple and says that it will remain sitting on her kitchen window until it is claimed.

“Her lover could be a man or woman and it’s not got a date on it so it could from a week ago or years ago,” she says.

“I think I will find Sarah, it would be a nice feeling to send it to her.

“It was a wee bit of magic on a miserable day. It was just a lovely find."

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