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Demi Moore says Ashton Kutcher 'shamed' her by sharing photos of her drunk

Actress also accused her ex-husband of cheating on her during marriage 

Chelsea Ritschel
New York
Wednesday 25 September 2019 17:27 BST
Demi Moore on her marriage to Ashton Kutcher: 'I had an addiction to him'

Demi Moore has criticised her ex-husband Ashton Kutcher for “shaming” her by sharing drunk photos of her during their marriage, including one in her underwear.

The actress accused Kutcher of the behaviour in her new memoir Inside Out, in which she claims that the actor had encouraged her drinking but would then humiliate her.

According to Moore, who battled alcoholism during their eight-year marriage, she wanted to be the “fun, normal girl” who was able to “have a glass of wine at dinner, or do a tequila shot at a party” because that’s what she thought Kutcher wanted.

“When I went too far, though, he let me know how he felt by showing a picture he’d taken of me resting my head on the toilet the night before,” the 56-year-old wrote. “It seemed like a good-natured joke at the time. But it was really just shaming.”

After sharing the underwear photo in 2009, the 41-year-old actor said at the time that his then-wife was wearing a bikini, not underwear, and that they had been at the beach together.

He said: “Let's back off a notch. It was a bikini, not underwear, so people might have been confused. She was ironing my pants. That sounds weird, but we were on a beach and she was wearing a bikini, ironing my pants!”

The actor also said that “I took a picture of her and asked her before I put it out to the world”.

In the book, Moore also describes the couple’s other marriage troubles, including Kutcher’s cheating, which the actress said she believes stems from their decision to have threesomes.

“I put him first,” Moore says in the book. “So when he expressed his fantasy of bringing a third person into our bed, I didn’t say no. I wanted to show him how great and fun I could be.”

Seemingly in reaction to the claims in the book, Kutcher responded on Twitter, writing: “I was about to push the button on a really snarky tweet. Then I saw my son, daughter, and wife and I deleted it.”

The actor then quoted his father in a follow-up tweet, writing: “Life is good - Larry Kutcher.”

The couple announced their separation in November 2011. However, according to Moore, she is also grateful for her ex-husband.

“I’m grateful to Ashton, too, believe it or not,” she wrote in the book. “Whatever pain we went through together enabled both of us to grow into the people we are today.”

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In an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Moore also said she spoke to Ashton before the book came out and that she has no interest in “blaming or villainizing anyone”.

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