Boy who gets eyelid caught in jacket zipper is helped free by emergency services

The boy was zipping his jacket with his head down

Chelsea Ritschel
Wednesday 14 March 2018 17:51 GMT
A Chinese boy accidentally zipped his eyelid into his zipper jacket (AsiaWire)
A Chinese boy accidentally zipped his eyelid into his zipper jacket (AsiaWire)

A young boy in China ended up in hospital after he got his eyelid caught in his jacket zipper.

The schoolboy, whose name is unknown, was taken to Affiliated Children’s Hospital of Soochow University in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, on March 12 - after his eyelid got snagged as he zipped up his jacket with his head down.

At the hospital, Dr Liu Xiang, an ophthalmology specialist, requested the help of local firefighters to free the boy.

Using scissors to cut the jacket and then a pair of pliers, video released shows the firefighters gently plying the jacket away from the boy’s face.

After a few minutes, the firefighters were able to release the boy’s eyelid - which had been tightly caught in the zipper.

According to news organisation, the boy was fine once he was treated by Dr Xiang - except for a minor cut on the skin of his eyelid.

However, Dr Xiang told reporters the boy’s eyelid could have suffered serious tissue damage had the zipper stayed on any longer.

Firefighters were called to the hospital to help release the boy (AsiaWire)
Firefighters were called to the hospital to help release the boy (AsiaWire)

As for the boy’s parents, Dr Xiang advised them to teach the boy the proper method of zipping a jacket.

The young boy was eventually freed (AsiaWire)
The young boy was eventually freed (AsiaWire)

A word of advice - always keep your head raised when zipping a jacket.

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