The Killing of PC Harper: Viewers praise ‘heartbreaking documentary that follows widow’s fight for justice

‘I’m still shocked and appalled by what happened,’ posted one person

Ellie Harrison
Wednesday 16 March 2022 09:22 GMT
Widow of Pc Harper launches 'Andrew's Law' campaign for life sentences in killing 999 workers

The Killing of PC Harper aired on ITV last night, leaving many viewers in tears over the death of Andrew Harper and his widow’s fight for justice.

The documentary, presented by Trevor McDonald, looks back on the killing of the 28-year-old police constable in August 2019.

Harper, who married Lissie Harper four weeks before his death, died in the line of duty. He was dragged to his death by a group of teenagers who were stealing a quad bike in Berkshire.

Many viewers expressed how moved they were by the documentary on Twitter.

“Horrific. Senseless. Ruthless. Heartless,” posted one person. “Loss of a genuinely lovely officer. PC Harper was worth his weight in gold to his wife Lissie. Wickedly taken away from her. Andrew was a loving husband and a fine officer.”

Another viewer wrote: “Wow, a really moving documentary on @itv just now about the killing of PC Andrew #Harper. The story was part of my journalistic life for two years, and I’m still shocked and appalled by what happened, and deeply touched by Lissie’s courage and dignity through it all.”

The driver of the car, 19-year-old Henry Long, was jailed for 16 years for manslaughter, while Jessie Cole and Albert Bowers were given 13 years each for the same offence.

All denied knowing the 28-year-old officer was attached to their car when they sped away.

The ITV documentary aims to raise the profile of Harper’s Law, which Lissie has campaigned for since the suspects arrested for her husband’s murder were convicted only of manslaughter.

The law, which will be included in a bill that is expected to pass later this year, will make life sentences mandatory for anyone convicted of killing an emergency worker during the commission of a crime.

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