A-Rod tells Jimmy Fallon wedding to J-Lo is ‘on pause’ due to coronavirus

‘We have to go with the flow now’

Clémence Michallon
Friday 24 April 2020 16:50 BST
A-Rod tells Jimmy Fallon wedding to J-Lo is 'on pause'

Alex Rodriguez says he and Jennifer Lopez have had to put their wedding plans “on pause” due to the coronavirus crisis.

J-Lo’s fiancé spoke to Jimmy Fallon on Thursday in a remote episode of the host’s Tonight Show.

A-Rod and Lopez were reportedly supposed to walk down the aisle this summer. They announced their engagement in March 2019.

Fallon asked A-Rod about the wedding plans and whether they’ve been impacted by the ongoing pandemic.

“We have to go with the flow now,” the former MLB star said.

“Everything is fluid. Everything has been put on just a pause. And [we’ll] see where the world takes us.”

Rodriguez said he and J-Lo are waiting focused on “safety first” and want to “make sure that all the little ones are in a good place”.

A-Rod and Lopez each have two children from previous relationships.

Rodriguez’s daughter Ella just celebrated her 12th birthday with a “drive-through party” – and A-Rod jokingly suggested that he and Lopez might want to have a “drive-through wedding”, which would present the advantage of being “cheaper”.

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