Marvel star says studio planted fake Avengers leaks online to throw fans off the scent

Infamous set photograph was described as a ‘total misdirection’

Louis Chilton
Friday 15 July 2022 12:20 BST
Ms. Marvel trailer

Ms Marvel star Iman Vellani has said that Marvel Studios planted fake leaks online ahead of the release of Avengers: Endgame in an effort to prevent real spoilers.

Before the 2019 blockbuster was released, an image surfaced online revealing the inclusion of “BARF technology” – holographic equipment familiar to Marvel fans, which was later used in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

However, in a new Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything), Vellani said that the leak was deliberately released by Marvel’s security team.

“I did leave the [Marvel Studios Spoilers] subreddit for two years during Infinity War / Endgame once I saw that BARF case set photo leak which turned out to be a total misdirection from marvel security,” she wrote.

“They literally planted that! And I now have so much respect for Marvel’s security team.” The leaked image can be seen here.

Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan in ‘Ms Marvel’
Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan in ‘Ms Marvel’ (Marvel Studios)

Ms Marvel concluded its first season on Disney Plus this week (13 July). In the series, Vellani plays Kamala Khan, an Avengers-obsessed teenager who becomes imbued with superpowers.

One particular X-Men Easter egg in the season finale has sent Marvel fans into a frenzy.

Find everything to know about Khan’s next MCU appearance in the forthcoming Captain Marvel sequel The Marvels, here.

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