Batman v Superman: Classic Lois Lane actor Margot Kidder calls studio 'stupid' for wasting Amy Adams

'They took one of the best American actresses around and didn't give her anything to do'

Jack Shepherd
Thursday 01 September 2016 14:47 BST

Amy Adams is pretty great. Junebug, The Fighter, American Hustle; she can barely appear on screen without receiving dozens of awards.

However, there was one recent role that completely wasted the actor’s talents: Lois Lane is Man of Steel and Batman v Superman.

Playing the 'damsel in distress' did not suit Adams (or the character) at all, something picked up on by previous Lois Lane, Margot Kidder, who played the character in the critically acclaimed 1978 film.

"They took one of the best American actresses around, Amy Adams, and didn't give her anything to do," Kidder told HeyUGuys. "I mean, how stupid is that? They made her what used to be the girlfriend, which kind of ended in the '60s with women's rights.”

She’s tragically correct in her analysis of the theatrical cut of BvS; Adams was given more to work with in the extended cut, but that does little to justify the awful job done by Zack Snyder.

As pointed out by Digital Spy, Kidder’s version was certainly no damsel in distress, often bossing around Clark Kent, like in this clip.

Fingers crossed Adams’ character will be given substantial amounts to do other than be saved by Superman in the upcoming Justice League.

If like us, you’re a fan of the actor, you can catch her next in the brilliant look Arrival which lands later this year. Watch the first two clips from the sci-fi film here.

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