Porn of the dead: Zack Snyder says he wants to make a ‘pornographic’ film inspired by 300

Director suggested he could merge it with the theme of religion

Jacob Stolworthy
Friday 21 May 2021 17:32 BST
Army of the Dead trailer

Zack Snyder has said his next movie could be a porn film.

This year alone the director has released his four-hour cut of Justice League as well as Army of the Dead – and is showing no signs of slowing down.

Speaking to The Telegraph, he expressed a desire to try his hands at two different genres he’s yet to get around to – religion and porn – and suggested he could find a way of tackling both in one film.

“That kind of appreciation of the human form is something I really warmed to,” he said, reflecting on his 2006 film 300.

“I’ve always wanted to make a religious film and a pornographic film, and I’ve never really yet had the chance to do either,” he continued, adding: “Maybe if I could combine the two – or maybe 300 is that film, in some sense, a little bit. Or at least a primer for what that film could be.”

He said he believes 300 was a form of porn “on some level... from a philosophical standpoint”. The film, which stars Gerard Butler, is a fictionalised retellings of the Battle of Thermopylae within the Persian Wars.

His new film, the zombie heist thriller Army of the Dead, was released on Netflix on 21 May.

Zack Snyder on the set of ‘Army of the Dead’
Zack Snyder on the set of ‘Army of the Dead’ (CLAY ENOS/NETFLIX)

However, just like with the length of his Justice League director’s cut, many have been left feeling somewhat overwhelmed by its running time.

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